School Values
School Values
I speak gently and kindly.
I think of others’ feelings before I act.
I show care and concern for people, animals and the environment.
I am compassionate and help others in need without asking for anything in return.
I always speak the truth.
I own up when I make a mistake, and learn from it.
I have the moral courage to make the right decisions.
I choose to do what is morally right even when no one is watching.
I persevere / keep trying in the face of challenges.
I adapt to changes that come my way.
I pick myself up and become stronger when the going gets tough.
I know I will reach my goal when I try hard enough.
I set my targets and monitor my own progress.
I do the right thing at the right time at the right place.
I do everything to the best of my ability.
I know that my action has an impact on others and will think before I act.
I express myself and share my views openly and respectfully.
I am eager to learn new things and try out new ideas with others.
I think of different ways to solve a challenge or make things better.
I turn new ideas into reality that benefits the class, school and the community.