CCA Policy
Every Primary 3 to Primary 6 student is encouraged to participate in at least 1 CCA. Participation in 2 CCAs will be a case-by-case basis. Primary 1 and Primary 2 students’ involvement will be a case-by-case basis. Once registered, students’ attendance is compulsory for every CCA session.
Students are expected to meet at least 80% CCA attendance rate. Students who do not meet the required CCA attendance rate without valid reason will be deregistered from the CCA at the end of the year. A letter of absence or a medical certificate must be submitted to the CCA teachers-in-charge if a student is unable to attend his/her CCA sessions.
Change of CCA
Change of CCA is strongly discouraged. Parents can make their request for change of CCA from 1 January - 31 January through this link. No request will be entertained after this period.
These are the prerequisites before requesting for a change of CCA:
- Student must stay committed to current CCA for at least a year.
- Student is not slated to represent school for any upcoming competitions and/or performances.
- There are vacancies in CCA requested.
- Students are expected to attend their current CCA sessions while their request is being processed.
Withdrawal from CCA
Withdrawal from CCA is strongly discouraged. Parents must submit a letter to the CCA teachers-in-charge to explain reason for withdrawal from CCA.